This is a picture of Hannah with the amazing horse cookie bouquet that she got from her cousins Kate and Lynsey, and her Aunt Rosemary. We brought them with us up to Boston to show everyone also. After about 5 weeks, she has decided that she wants to eat them. They were probably very good when they were fresh, but I have to break them for her now so they don't break her teeth. She loves them though, so if she'll eat them, I'll let her have them.
Today was treatment day #8. Only 5 more full spine and head treatments, then onto the "boost" tumor site only of the higher radiation. That is my next goal here, since then the anesthesia and time for each treament will be less and maybe she'll start feeling better afterwards. Hannah said tonight that she likes going over for the "beam", it's fun there, she likes going to sleep and just she "loves that place". It's strange what you come to appreciate in this situation. She is asking quite a few questions now about her surgery and this whole thing. She does remember quite a bit from Stony Brook and that timeframe, but I hope that will fade as time goes by.
Besides her daily proton beam treatment, Hannah receives daily physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, childlife interaction and now tutoring. Today she began working with Andy, the tutor here for all the kids. He is a young, energetic guy, very "Boston" hip, and a favorite with all the kids. They have waited until now so as not to overstress her, and to be sure she was physically ready to keep up. Now I see why they waited. Tonight about a half hour after all her therapy and tutoring, she started crying that her eyes were dizzy, and she had trouble seeing. She has already had problems with double vision and slight nearsightedness, which is common following this type of brain surgery. The problem has been intermittent, so they have not treated it yet, just watching it. After a bit of rest, listening to some of her new book on tape (great idea cousin Sam) her eyes felt better.
Dear Hannah, I love that dog!!! I agree with what Joe wrote. When you get back I CAN"T WAIT TO PLAY PUPPIES!!! Bernard (my dog) says "Hi". I miss you and I love you.
Hi Hannah-
We love seeing your pictures and your beautiful smile. Keep smiling, Sweetheart.
With love, Aunt Josephine and Sarah xoxoxoxo
Dear Hannah,
It is so great to see your beautiful smile again. I miss you so much in our school hallway. I love all the posted pictures and Miko the dog is great.
I hope you get this post this time.
I will email Mom from school later.
Love you a bunch
Love & Blessings
Mrs. Baker
Hey Hannah.
You are looking great! Sydney had a good birthday and thank you guys for the presents. We look at your blog all the time and Sydney likes looking at all the pictures that you are putting on the blog. She really liked the one with the dog.
She has been begging to get a new dog now that the weather is getting warmer. I told her that she has to wait a little while longer.
We were in the hospital the other night as well. Sydney got those heely shoe and had an accident on them while trying to use them.. They just said that it was a bad bruise and that she just needed to stay off the wheels for a while. She was not happy but at least nothing was broken.
We love you lots and will talk to you soon.
Aunt Susie, Uncle Victor, and Sydney
Hi Hannie: Did you know that today is the first day of Spring?! Pretty soon all of the flowers will be in bloom.
How about Sydney having an accident with her roller shoes. Guess she needs more practice, right?
I love your new picture. When G. & G. were at your house, we really wanted to eat them, but we wanted to be sure you got to enjoy them. Did you and Mommy like the mint Girl Scout cookies? That was a good surprise, wasn't it?
Love to see your big, beautiful smile. Have your new teeth started to come through yet?
We love you bunches and miss you more. Take care and keep up the good work. You are doing amazing.
Hugs and kisses.
G & G
Dear Hannah,Love your pictures.You look great!I bet you liked visiting with Miko,he looks cute.Did you eat all those cookies yet?!! From Billy
Hi Hannah: My name is Kristina Nenadic. I am a friend of your Aunt Susan and I live in Chicago. I have twin boys who are named Aleksi and Luka. They are only 10 months old and learning to walk. Even though they are twins, they don't look anything like each other. Aleksi has dark hair and Luka has blond hair. When you are up for it, you will need to come for a visit. There are a lot of fun things to do in Chicago and Aleksi and Luka would have fun playing with you.
Thanks for sharing your pictures and your story with us. The way you lost your tooth made me smile.
Lots of love to you and your family.
The Nenadics
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