Monday, Novebmer 14, 2011

Just a quick note, please keep Hannah in your prayers tomorrow. We are headed to see the neurologist. Hannah told me last week she has been having "dizzy" spells. She hasn't really been dizzy though..she decribes it as her eyes "go fuzzy" and she can't see. I thought it was one or two times, but eventually she told me that it's been every day!! Kids...she is just so nonchalant about it, like it doesn't matter that she had a brain tumor and this is nothing! I'm glad she isn't freaking out about it though, because I'm doing enough of that for the both of us!

Hannah's next MRI is due in January, so I'm thinking maybe they will move it up a bit? Or maybe the doctor will find nothing. Or maybe she needs glasses. Or maybe ??????????? Taking it one step at a time, and hoping for the best. She has been a little off these last fews days too, Saturday morning she felt truly dizzy when she got up and said she felt sick. Last night she was up most of the night, just couldn't sleep and said her stomach hurt as well. I was a bit surprised when I went in her room at midnight and I  heard a little voice "hi Mom!" I was in her room with her until 1am when she was still awake lying with a cold cloth on her head.

She just came in the door from school and said she feels "horrible" with a headache and a stomach ache. Lots of things are going around right now in school, so you never know. But please, keep her in your prayers for a good report from the neurologist tomorrow.

While I'm here, I want to mention our CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD DRIVE. Thank you to those who have already sent in cards to help the children and their families this year. While you're out shopping, please consider purchasing a gift card to help us donate to those kids who may be spending their holiday in the hospital this year, or at home with no gifts due to financial burden cancer has placed on their families. You can purchase a card from any big name store-Target, ToysRUs, Walmart, or a generic Visa/Mastercard/American Express for any amount $25 and up. You can purchase generic Visa/Mastercard/American Express cards at your local grocery and drugstors.

Hannah at Christmas last year in NYC
You can also make a donation, and we will purchase the card for you. Paypal the money to us at or send a check. Hannah's Cans for Cancer, Inc. will be purchasing several cards to be distributed to families at the hospital this year, can you help us? We will be distributing the cards to the hospital the week of December 12th.

Please send Gift Cards and monetary donations to us at:

Hannah's Cans for Cancer, Inc.
Hannah Prokop
1556 Grand Avenue
Mattituck, NY 11952

Thank you!!!


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